Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Words Hurt

My parents taught me to be careful of the words that I say and what I say and or how I speak to people; don’t insult anyone. If I can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. I was also told this other saying; “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. Do you remember that? Do we actually believe that? If that saying was so true, why does certain words hurt or make you feel embarrassed? Whether you think so or not, words do count and are important. The tongue is dangerous and cuts like a knife. Being that said, if I was to walk up to a person and say, “hey; you’re really fat and you really need to consider wearing a better selection of clothing to hid that wide ass and cover that fat stomach”. Should that person ignore what I said or feel insulted? Let’s flip the script and reword my approach. “Hey; I see that you’re struggling with your weight. Would you consider talking to a nutritionist”? What do you think about that? First of all it’s not my place to walk up to anyone that I do not know and talk to he or she about their issues. Just because I see you don’t mean that I have that right. I do not know why that person is overweight; it could very well be a medical condition other than over eating. Either scenario is bad because I’ve attacked the person’s weight issue. Regardless of what you think people do not want to hear the truth or want to be insulted. Words do hurt. As much as we lie and say that we should ignore what people say, we can’t. Our brain and heart won’t allow it. Think about the ugly kid that you came across in school or perhaps you were that ugly child. How did you feel when you were insulted or how do you think that person felt being insulted? We need to get back to positive words and feeling happy. This society is becoming hateful every second, minute and hour of each day. Most times it’s good to keep your mouth shut. You have to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. It may seem funny or perhaps you’re an evil person that enjoys making someone feel bad because you’re not happy with yourself. Words and wording can make a difference. I appreciate our President Obama because he is a strong man who doesn’t let words affect his work ethics, but imagine being in his shoes for a day, a week, a month and perhaps a year. Would you like or appreciate the bigotry, lies and hatred these people spew out against him and his family if that shoe was on your foot? Could you sit back and withstand hateful words without retaliation? How would you feel? Think about it.

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